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Personal Goals

The personal goals refer to those individual qualities and dispositions we believe children will find essential in the 21st century. 

I am a thinker. 
I find out more. I search for knowledge through questioning and research.

I am adaptable
I am able to cope in a variety of situations and approach a task with confidence. I am ready to change. 

I am resilient
I keep on trying even when I find something difficult.

I am ethical 
I know the difference between right and wrong and show this through what I say and how we behave. I make responsible choices. 

I am a communicator
I can share our thoughts and feelings to others through my speech and our actions. I give and received information. 

I am empathetic
I am kind and supportive. 

I am a collaborator
I can work alongside other people, understanding that everyone has a role to play within the group, as well as respecting each other’s views and ideas. I can learn as a team. 

I am respectful
I show respect for the needs of other people, living things and the environment. I think about others.